Saturday, February 27, 2010

when did this happen

Apparently having a facebook and twitter account doesn't help the aging process. I used to wear cool hats, clips, and feathers (ok- never did wear feathers) in my hair. Now...magnifying glasses to go along with the contacts. It doesn't help that I work with a bunch of talented 30 somethings and they have decided to print the numbers on the back of their cards in the smallest of fonts! I just want to get some new cards for Birch and they are making it tough.

One of my favorite culprits for making me feel, shall we say, "super, really, amazingly small print" challenged, is Stacy Pancake of Pancake and Franks- but that will NOT keep me from sharing her work. All of Stacy's cards are printed on 100% recycled paper. Enjoy.

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